Wow - Wow - Wow.
The top of the list practices 5+ a week
Middle practices 3+ a week
And we have a second list this month because soooo many of you showed up in August over 2+ times a week.
Practice yoga 1x a week, it will change you mind.
Practice yoga 2x a week, it will change your body.
Practice yoga everydaay, it will change your life.
Y'all are doing it. So proud that you call PCPY your yoga home.
Will F
Julia T
Angela V
Emily A
Ash B
Lora P
Yoliet M
Shoko M
Kristy M
Phillip K
Annukka A
Kate W
Tom H
Joanne B
Lauren R
Liz T
Susan M
Larry D
Trish O
Bob P
Mike S
Diane L
Ed W